12 Group coaching sessions. Live sessions. Not recordings. You turn up, turn on your mic, and ask your questions. Not just type your question in the box with 100's of other people! I'll answer every signal one and help you move forward week on week.
Lifetime Access to all sessions. Each session is recorded and uploaded for you to watch back. If you can't make a session, one week you can watch it back. Or you might want to watch it again at some point in the future.
Each module for DRIVE + THRIVE has either written or practical steps for you to take. The workbooks are detailed with all the questions you didn't know needed answering to get to the next level.
A private Facebook group for you to share your questions, your work, the breakthroughs you wins, and your woes, a safe place to get you comfortable with thinking bigger and playing bigger and sharing it too.
Sometimes you just need to see how it's done rather than just be told.
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You might ask: ‘Am I worth it?’ ‘Will I get any results?' ‘Is this going to pay off?’
For me, Drive and Thrive is totally, totally worth it
Caroline Barnes MUA